Your truth is the tea, so spill it...

 Remember to live, that is all

I recently wrote my year-end review for work. I hadn’t really thought about it until recently, but there is an element of vulnerability that is required when writing one. It, by nature, encourages you to be relatively introspective Read more

Learning to Unlearn the Four F’s

I have trauma. It’s not a thing I initially planned to share on here, but a thing that I’ve recently found myself compelled to discuss. Something terrible happened to me many moons ago, and while it did not occupy my everyday thoughts, it planted roots in subconscious and silently grew. Read more

You’re Good As You Are: Learning to exist in my body

I have a weird relationship with food. A sort of love, hate, need, but don’t want, crave and yet at times, regret relationship with food. It started when I was about 13. One day, I just stopped eating. The thought of it disgusted me. I saw the oil and fat in everything that was put in front of me and I wanted none of it inside my body Read more

Let’s Talk About Contraception: The Combined Pill Edition

More than 100 million Women around the world use the combined oral pill and each one will have their own unique story to tell about their experience. Some will sing of sunshine and rainbows and others will tell of hormonal hell. This week I’ll be kicking off the Let’s Talk About Contraception post series by sharing with you my rollercoaster ride with the combined pill. A little sneak peek: it most definitely was not all sunshine and rainbows… Read more

This Too Shall Pass

A lot of what has happened this year has been beyond our control, but we are all better for having made it through, even if in this moment, it doesn’t feel like we are. So, if making it to December 2020 is one of, if not the, greatest achievement/hurdle that you’ve overcome this year, well then cheers to that because it’s been a truly difficult 355 days. I know this struggle may seem never ending, but much like the hardship that has come before, this too shall pass. And we’ll all be stronger for it. Read more

You’re not slow and you’re not stupid, you’re just dyslexic: Overcoming my inferiority complex

6.3 million people in the UK have dyslexia. However, due to our ill-equipped education system many go through their education with little support. Not enough teachers are provided with the knowledge and the tools to adequately support those with Specific Learning Difficulties (SPLD). As a result, these children are more likely to suffer from poor self-esteem, poor motivation and a lack of concentration. To add, many people with SPLDs go undiagnosed and thus, are also at risk of experiencing those same feelings of inadequacy. And I was one of them… Read more

A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies

Anxiety. Dread. Panic. Everyone experiences them and yet, we’re all going through the motions alone. Sometimes anxiety can feel like you’re spiralling out of control, like a kaleidoscope of butterflies has been set loose in your stomach. But, the more open we are as a community about our struggles with it and how we face it, the more solutions and comfort we can give each other. So this is me opening up the floor for discussion by sharing part of my journey with anxiety with you.. Read more

Mental Health, We Need to Talk About It

When it comes to mental health it's not just about race, but everyday life as well. It's time we remove the stigma and talk about it. Read more

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