Your truth is the tea, so spill it...

 Remember to live, that is all

I recently wrote my year-end review for work. I hadn’t really thought about it until recently, but there is an element of vulnerability that is required when writing one. It, by nature, encourages you to be relatively introspective Read more

New Year, Better Me

It’s not even the end of 2021 and already I’m seeing ‘new year, new me’ posts, as if like magic, on January 1st – *poof* – the old you will disappear and the new one will take its place. Read more

Lessons From My Father

Today is Father’s Day and in honour of that, I’ve written about my dad. He’s taught me many things over the years, probably a lot more than he realises and many of his lessons have given me direction when I’ve not known where to go. Being a parent isn’t easy and while one day isn’t enough to celebrate and say thank you, it’s a start. So, Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, to all the mums in single parent households having to be the father and mother and to all the grandparents, aunts, uncles, family friends and more who fill in where a father can no longer be. We are who we are because of you. Read more

A Letter to My Mother

In honour of Mother's Day, I’ve written a letter to my mum sharing some of my favourite memories and lessons that I have learnt from her over the years. Being a parent isn’t easy and while one day isn’t enough to celebrate and say thank you, it’s a start. So, Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers, to all the dads in single parent households having to be the mother and father and to all the grandparents, aunts, uncles, family friends and more who fill in where a mother can no longer be. We are who we are because of you. Read more

Diversity & Inclusion at Work: Why it’s important to me

Last year’s Black Lives Matter protests saw the buzzwords ‘diversity and inclusion’ thrust to centre stage in many arenas; government, mental health, education and the flavour of this week’s tea, the workplace. Join us as guest writer Amelia Parker dives into the topic of diversity and inclusion, opens up about her experience as a Woman of colour in a predominantly White industry and offers some worthwhile advice to budding professionals looking to either start or change their career. Read more

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

At the turn of the decade, I found myself looking back at not only the things I had achieved, but at the things I missed out on because of fear; because I was afraid I’d fail and so I never tried in the first place. So as 2019 came to its end, I took to my mindbook to detail just one New Year’s resolution: Feel the fear and do it anyway. Read more

This Too Shall Pass

A lot of what has happened this year has been beyond our control, but we are all better for having made it through, even if in this moment, it doesn’t feel like we are. So, if making it to December 2020 is one of, if not the, greatest achievement/hurdle that you’ve overcome this year, well then cheers to that because it’s been a truly difficult 355 days. I know this struggle may seem never ending, but much like the hardship that has come before, this too shall pass. And we’ll all be stronger for it. Read more

The Good Hair Myth: Disney Princess Edition

Imposed Western beauty standards have led to the Good Hair Myth; an ideal that rejects certain Black hair textures however, praises those with either Caucasian or mixed heritage for their looser curls. But, take it with a pinch of salt because much like all myths, the definition of 'good hair' is not objectively true. Let's debunk this. Read more

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